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Four Ways to Save As a Wedding Guest

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If you are in your 20s or 30s, chances are you have a few weddings coming up in the next few months. Once the season kicks off, there seems to be a wedding every few weekends all the way into the fall. Weddings can be a ton of fun but unfortunately, they can also be very expensive and not just for the hosts! Guests end up having to shell out hundreds of dollars for transportation, lodging, gifts and other associated costs. When you’re in the wedding and receive invitations to things like out-of-town showers, bachelorette parties and rehearsal dinners, the costs can even reach into the thousands. But believe it or not, it’s still possible to save.

Split costs

The nice thing about weddings is that you usually go with a group of friends. If that’s the case, see what you can do to split costs among a few people. For example, you may be able to share a hotel room or split transportation costs to and from the reception. Going in on a gift together with a group may also result in savings so that you can each spend a bit less overall.

Say, “No.”

It’s easy to think that you’re required to attend everything from showers to out-of-town bachelor or bachelorette parties but if you can’t afford to, you should not feel obligated. As long as they don’t see you spend that money on other unnecessary things instead, true friends will understand that you want to be there but just don’t have the cash at the moment. For example, don’t skip a bridal shower because you can’t afford a gift but then show up at the wedding in a brand new car.

Get creative

If you have great penmanship, offer to help the bride address invites. If you’re a great photographer, see if you can shoot some engagement pictures or capture some candid photos at the rehearsal dinner. Doing these things as a present to the couple can be a great way to help the couple keep their stress levels and wedding costs down while also allowing you to spend less on their wedding or shower gifts.

Don’t Buy the Dress

It’s tough to get away with the same little black dress for every wedding but that doesn’t mean you have to splurge on a new outfit for each nuptials either. Sites like Rent The Runway allow you to rent designer dresses for a fraction of the price and even order multiple sizes. If you’re part of the bridal party and have to order a bridesmaid dress, try to save on the accessories like shoes or jewelry.

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